Low Cost & Lightweight
It has come about as an economical environ—friendly substitution for red clay bricks for constructing edifies because of its exceptional qualities of high load bearing capacity and lightweight mass .AAC blocks have a distinct porous structure, and insulation property, when compared to other lightweight concrete materials. The occurrence of even air pockets in AAC blocks lead to their substantial less weight as compared to the clay bricks. This results in lesser costs in conveyance and also in lower dead weight of the structure. In the process this contributes to lower requirement for steel and cement in erecting the edifice. The usage these blocks and panels lead to a lowered cost in constructions and energy-efficient manufacturing.

Acoustic Insulation
AAC Blocks are unique and first-rate in the genre of building materials because they offer definitive workability, durability and suppleness along with sound insulation properties. The sound reduction index of the AAC blocks are outstanding as per the global Sound Reduction Index that is used at international standards for evaluating the performance of acoustic properties of partition (wall) structure. The sounds in structures built with AAC blocks get reflected due to its low sound absorption index of A0 and a very low sound transmission index of B3. This demonstrates the dissipation of sound travelling through AAC and thus it is not transmitted.

Fire Resistant
AAC blocks are incredibly operative against fire and fall within the stringent requirements of fire safety as they can endure fire up to 1200°C. The factional air pockets add to a thermal diffusion that is 60% of that of the clay brick. The exceptional thermal insulation is able to withstand extraordinary hot/cold environments very successfully. The energy efficiency is increased as the heating and cooling requirements of structures using AAC blocks are quite low irrespective of the surrounding temperatures.

The compressive strength of AAC blocks ranges around 3.5-4N/m2 compared to just 2.5-3N/m2 of clay bricks.

Pest Resistant
The lack of organic components in the AAC blocks provide terrific resistance against ordinary pests, rodents and also moulds.

Energy Efficacy
AAC blocks are forerunners when it comes to thermal ratings and are LEED certified construction blocks. Carbon dioxide emission can be lessened up to 200mn tones with the usage of AAC blocks thus rendering a saving of almost $20 Billion each year.

Water Blockade
The continual pores in AAC structure are uniformly spread all over the blocks leading to minimal absorption of water due to reduced Capillary action. This property renders the AAC blocks their brilliant anti- water seepage and absorption quality.

Swift Aseembly
Construction with AAC blocks are of a great advantage because of the simplicity in cutting grooves in them during electrical and plumbing works. Day to day instruments like drills, saw etc can be easily use on these blocks.

The large dimension of AAC blocks considerably reduces the number of blocks and the time to arrange them while building as compared to the red bricks. This reduces the installation time to a great extent. Masonry required is also eased out and the end result is cost effective. The blocks can be efficiently used as a building material for hospitals, schools, high-rises and other structures.

0% Breakge
Since we have our unit located in Bangalore itself, the breakage of blocks is 0%. The delivery is easier and quicker because of the unit being located close. This makes the entire set usable with no loss in the blocks.

MaxLite is the only one in the industry also providing the unloading of blocks. Quicker deliver is what we guarantee because of the location of our unit. Unloading the blocks from our end also makes sure our customers need not worry about the unloading of the blocks once they reach them.